The Universitat Oberta de Catalunya (UOC) was founded in 1995 as the world's first exclusively online university. We have invented a new way of learning with our unique, internationally renowned educational model, based on personalized support for each student, learning based on challenges and projects, continuous assessment and flexibility. Currently, the UOC is an established higher education institution, recognised within the EHEA as a pioneering and leading player in the focal context of open online education.
Our history and experience show why we're regarded as one of the world's leading universities for high-quality online learning. We offer more than 1,000 programmes – bachelor's, master's and doctoral degrees as well as other postgraduate and further education programmes – reaching 87,500 students in 141 countries. We also support the 95,000 members of our alumni community, offering them ways to improve their careers.
We have over 500 people engaged in research; some are full-time researchers and the rest are teaching staff who also conduct research. Each of our 52 research groups is connected to one of our two research centers – the IN3 and the eHealth Center –, our innovation center – eLearning Innovation center – or to one of our seven faculties. According to CYD Ranking, which calculates performance indicators for Spanish universities, in 2019 the UOC was the leading online university for research. The four UOC members who will participate in this project - Dra. Rimbau-Gilabert, Dr.Meseguer-Artola, Dr. Lladós-Masllorens, Dra. Sabadell-Bosch- are researchers in the Digital Business Research Group (DigiBiz), and have produced many papers on the changes in labour markets and human resource practices, and the development and assessment of competencies in Business education for top scientific impact-factor journals.
The Digital Business Research Group (DigiBiz) brings together a multidisciplinary team of scholars who study the economics of multi-sided platforms, labor market, human resources management and employee well-being, digital marketing and consumer behaviour.
The UOC aims to drive the creation of a global knowledge space and frontier research in the knowledge society. It fosters cooperation and exchange within its university community and with other universities, institucions, the business community and civil society, while at the same time forging international alliances to enable sharing and learning. To make the most of the knowledge generated at the University, to transfer it through entrepreneurship projects and to foster innovation, the UOC community has at its disposal the Hubbik platform.
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Grant Agreement: 2021-1-FR01-KA220-VET-000025901
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